Latest plugin (0.8.5)

unistall b3stinc plugin
unistall epgimporter

b3stinc beta 3.3 (m3lmac.xyz)
generate code with user:pass

paste code into putty
box will reboot once finished

check epgimporter version (git232 version)
if needed unistall epgimporter again
reinstall epgimporter

open b3stinc iptv maker
open providers tab
select the one you DONT want to use
change “enabled” to no

no need to enter username or password anymore
create bouquets
red to close
red to exit

open epgimporter
blue for sources
make sure “IPTV Bouquet Maker – E2m3u2bouquet has your new provider ticked
green to save
yellow for manual

once finished, reboot box